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WebLoadUI PRO (previously LoadComplete) is a website load, performance, stress and scalability testing tool that lets you see how your website will handle hundreds, or thousands, of concurrent users. It replays realistic application usage scenarios and lets you monitor website performance in real-time. With WebLoadUI PRO you can replicate user experiences that match how visitors will use your website, easily pinpoint and resolve bandwidth and configuration issues, analyse load tests and perform load testing as often as you need to. All supported technologies, including AJAX, ASP.NET, Flash and Silverlight, are included with the licence.
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Take the guess work out of the software delivery lifecycle. Provide your QA and development teams with the power to collaborate, track project progress, and report on requirements, test cases, and defects.

QAComplete allows you to take a strategic approach to testing by prioritising key test functions, accounting for risk, planning for coverage, and controlling test execution. Employing effective test case management helps you ensure you¿re running the right tests, and thus avoid releasing an application that is not customer-ready.

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If you are testing APIs, you can't go wrong with SoapUI Pro, consistently recognized as the leading API Testing tool in the market. SoapUI Pro is loaded with advanced technologies and features you won't find in other web services testing tools. But don't worry - you don't have to be an advanced user... we've built in ease-of-use features like API Discovery, Recording, and Point-and-Click functionality to help new API testers as well as seasoned veterans.
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Tổng số 3 Sản phẩm
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